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Buffalo Park Lodge

Buffalo Park Lodge No. 44 is a Masonic Lodge located in the Town of Wainwright, Alberta, Canada. Men who are 21 years of age or older, believe in God, and are of good character are welcome to apply for membership. Please ask any Freemason for an Application, or contact us by email and ask for an application. If you would like more information, please ask us.

Our regular Masonic Lodge meetings are generally speaking not open to the public, so turning up on one of our Masonic Lodge meeting nights may not be the most productive way to interact with us. However if you wanted to tour the Masonic Lodge room, or wanted to meet with one or more of the Masonic Lodge Officers (or other Master Masons) to ask about us, then please contact any of us Freemasons, but please first take a few minutes to read over all the pages of our website, and the links to Grand Lodge, as these may answer many or all of your questions. If you would like to have us come and talk to your group, organization, or school, we would welcome the invitation. To ask for an 'Applicaion for Initiation' (which is the form you need to fill out if you want to apply to join a Masonic Lodge), or just to ask questions, please write down the below (it is a picture, you can't click on it or copy and paste it) and use it to reach out to us:

Lodge Secretary.

and somone will get back to you within a few days. Questions are welcome. If you have a wife or girlfriend, she is welcome to ask us questions as well. We are usually able to answer the majority of your questions. All applications are voted on by the Lodge.

Regular Meeting: The Third Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m. except July and August, alternating at the Masonic Hall located at The Wainwright Golf Club 1505 – 2nd Street, Wainwright, AB or at Gratton-Connaught Lodge #144 at Irma, AB. (Meetings are unsually only open to Freemasons.)

Buffalo Park Lodge No. 44 A.F. & A.M. Picture of the Inside of the Lodge Room Facing The East.

This is a picture of the inside of the Masonic Lodge room, facing East.

Masonic Lodge

Buffalo Park Lodge is a Masonic Lodge in the Town of Wainwright, Alberta. That means we, as a Masonic Lodge, are part of the Fraternity commonly known as 'Freemasonry', but more properly known as 'Ancient Free & Accepted Masons'. The Fraternity is hundreds of years old, and has been in Wainwright since before 1909. It arrived here with the settlers, among whom there were many Freemasons who wanted to have a local Lodge in their new home, which led to the formation of Buffalo Park Lodge.

We are a worldwide Fraternity of Men, each with a personal belief in God. To apply to join a Masonic Lodge, a man must be at least 21 years of age, of good character, believe in the supreme being ('God').

We are a serious Fraternity. In a Masonic Lode we usually wear suits and ties to Lodge meetings. We are expected to memorize a few things. We commit to coming to the Masonic Lodge meetings, and being involved in the Masonic Lodge. Joining a Masonic Lodge will will not make you rich or help you get ahead in your job or make you money in your business. It may howevere, help you to make some new friends.

While we would hope that an applicant would be able to pay the necessary fees and the annual Lodge memberhsip dues, other than that, The Fraternity does not judge applicants by how much money they have or do not have, how much their income is or is not, how prestigious their job is, or is not, or by how many important men that they may know, or not. Such things matter a lot to the world we all live in, but not to the Lodge, not to the Fraternity. Money and Power are not what the Fraternity is about.

We will however give you the opportunity to make new friends, and to learn more about yourself, and perhaps even pursue a little bit of self improvement. Of course we are not adverse to having a little good clean fun along the way either, and yes there is an element of mystery to our affairs. Millions of men have choosen to join us.


Wainwright, Alberta is a welcoming town, with a variety of clubs, organizations, churches, and recreational activities, in addition to schools, shopping and most services that the average person would need. Most military families posted to CFB Wainwright choose to live in the Town of Wainwright, as do many families working in the oil industry. Come grow with us.

Military Men Welcome

Men in the military are welcome to apply to join the Lodge, even if it means you will be posted in a couple of years. Military men coming to Wainwright who are already Freemasons are welcome to visit and even affiliate with Buffalo Park Lodge. There are Masonic Lodges all over Canada, (and indeed around the world), so it is easy to 'affiliate' with another Lodge when you are posted. Being a Freemason fits well with the military way of life. For a time, there was even a Military Masonic Lodge in Afganistan, called Canada Lodge UD (from 2010 to 2014), specifically setup on a military base there, for CF members in Afganistan. The concept of military Lodges is not new, as the have existed at various times off and on with the British Army since at least 1752, even in Canada). In Canada the Grand Lodge (and the Lodges that operate under its justitcion) in each Province recongize the other Grand Lodges (and their Lodges) in Canada (and beyond), so 'visiting' another Masonic Lodge in another province, or 'affiliating' with it when posted, is a very easy thing to do. It is much the same situation in the USA and the UK, etc. (The situation is very similiar as regards Royal Arch Chapters.)

Masonic Regalia

The Brethren attending a Church Parade, which is traditionally an annual Masonic Lodge event, prearranged with one of the Churches in Wainwright which welcomes the Lodge to the Church service. It is one of the few occasions when it is possible to see Freemasons publicly wearing their Masonic Regalia (aprons and such).

Church Parade of Buffalo Park Lodge No. 44

How is Freemasonry Governed?

In many countries there is a single Grand Lodge which looks after Freemasonry within that country. There are however exception to this rule. The UK, Canada and the USA are three major exceptions to this rule of thumb. In the UK, there is a United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) which also has some overseas Lodges, and a Grand Lodge of Scotland. In Canada there are is a Grand Lodge for each Province, and these include the Territories. There is also a Prince Hall Grand Lodge located in Ontario, which looks after a few Prince Hall Lodges in Canada. In the United States there is a Grand Lodge in each State, plus Prince Hall Masonry.

Generally speaking the various Grand Lodges recognize one another. This is certainly the case within Canada, and between the Canadian Grand Lodges and the UGLE. As a note the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, does recognize the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons Province of Ontario and Jurisdiction, and the two enjoy friendly relations.

The Grand Lodge of Alberta governs Freemasonry (organized into Masonic lodges) in the Province of Alberta. It enjoys close relations with the Grand Chapter of Alberta, which looks after Royal Arch Masonry (organized into Royal Arch Chapters) in Alberta. The province if divided in Masonic Districts, and then within each District Freemasons are organized by Masonic Lodges. We are in the Battle River District.

At the Lodge level, the Master is elected by the Lodge membership to run the Lodge for a one year term.

W.Bro. Max Rodgers

WM Max Rodgers

Masonic Links

The Grand Lodge of Alberta

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta

Grand Chapter of Alberta Order Of The Eastern Star

How To Join A Masonic Lodge

How to join a Masonic Lodge. So, you are thinking about joining a Masonic Lodge?To apply to join a Masonic Lodge such as Buffalo Park Lodge, please ask for an application from one of our members or from this website.

Square and Compasses Masonic crest

Joining Freemasonry is 'a good thing'. However before asking for an application, please make sure that you are thinking of joining for the right reasons. For instance if you were thinking of joining because you though it would be 'good for your career' or 'good for business', etc, then those are not the best reasons. Truth is it will not likely help your career or your business. In that case you may be disappointed and stop coming to Lodge.

On the other hand, if you are interested in joining because you want to make new friends, maybe pursue some self improvement, or at least learn a bit more about yourself, perhaps help society in some way or another, and those sorts of aims, then those are good reasons to consider applying to join the fraternity. Your reasons can be your own, just please be sure to make sure that they are the 'right reasons'.

You may have noticed the word 'apply' or 'applying' show up here and there on this website. The reason is that to become a Freemason in this part of the world, a man must 'ask for an application', as opposed to 'waiting to be invited'. Some men has said over the years they thought about becoming a mason, but 'never got invited'. Truth is they need to ask for an application from any Mason or contact the Lodge from this website to get the application. So, if you were waiting to be invited, wait no longer, simply ask.

One should not that Freemasonry is not a ‘Service Club' as such. Yes, the Lodge does get involved in charity to some extent, but unlike a 'service club' that is no the primary aim of the Lodge. The primary aim is to 'Make good men better.' That is not to say that if you join the Lodge and want to take on organizing and running some sort of charitable related project that anyone would necessarily be opposed to it, it would be voted on by the membership (as most things are voted on - we are very democratic), but just please realize that is not the main aim of the fraternity.

Some may ask if Freemasonry is a religion? The answer is no, Freemasonry is not a religion. You will however find the Holy Bible in the Lodge room, just as you will find it in many homes. Many a member has also received a Bible (traditionally a King James version presentation Bible) as a gift from the Lodge. Many of our men are 'Church going men', and that is to say they regularly attend the Church of their individual choice, usually with their families, and as often or as little as their personal circumstances and inclinations dictate. There are however no 'atheists' (those who do not believe in God) among the Freemasons, as such a basic belief is a requirement for membership. We do not get involved in denominational differences, or 'church politics', nor do we advocate one denomination above another.

In Wainwright, there has been a long history over the last hundred years or so, of men who were involved in the local Churches being involved in the Lodge, including at least one highly regarded Church minister. Men of all denominations are most welcome to apply to join.

At various times throughout history Freemasonry has been misrepresented. Sometimes on purpose to help satisfy someone's agenda (and you would have to ask them why they did that). Sometimes by well meaning people simply repeating inaccurate information. Repeating inaccurate information does not make it true.

Should you, or someone you know have questions about the Lodge & The Fraternity as a whole (including perhaps questions regarding Royal Arch Masonry), within the context of the topic of 'religion', you may ask us at any time. (Ministers & Pastors welcome to ask also.) Many of us do enjoy a good coffee or a cold bottle of water, and a sit down chat. We are very approachable. If you have a very specific question that we do not know the full answer to, we can always ask Grand Lodge, as most of us are just average guys from a wide variety of backgrounds, most of us are not Theologians, and most of us do not have Theology Degrees. (Most, but some may.) Same applies if someone has a 'complex theological question' (or a simple one). If need be, we have people at Grand Lodge that can help prepare as detailed an answer as the complexity of your question may seek. Usually though we can answer most questions over one or more cups of coffee. 😃 Some of us are also fond of cookies or cake, especially chocolate cake.

How old are Freemasons? Well, in Alberta, one needs to be 21 year old to join. Other than that, you will find Freemasons of all ages in the Lodge.

How much does it cost? There is a one time cost to join the Lodge, payable on initiation night by cheque, cash, or Interac e-transfer (sorry no Bitcoin), and this helps to pay for your Bible (King James version) and Masonic apron which you will receive when you become a Master Mason. The cost of membership in Buffalo Park Lodge is about $120 a year.

Throughout the ages, many men of 'high and important office' have been Masons, as well as 'men of means' as have many ordinary working men. Though within the Lodge such distinction have no meaning. Your station in life does not matter. Within the Lodge all men are equal. We would be pleased to a receive your application. Questions are welcome.

Freemasonry is a fraternity of men, each with a personal belief in God. Our traditions and history were customarily an oral one, which tended to require an element of memory work in our proceedings. This information tended to be passed on though a series of degrees. That said, as one Freemason with a very bad memory (and whom went on to successfully run a Lodge) once remarked, 'If I can do the memory work, anyone can!'. Generally speaking there are three degrees worked with the Lodge, each degree is a bit like a play. These three degrees are:

In addition if a Mason decides to stand for elected office (or 'working through the chairs' as we tend to call it), then he may end up one day being elected Master of the Lodge. In this case he becomes an 'Installed Master'. That said, there is no requirement to go though any of the chairs, it is completely optional. We hold elections for the senior offices once per year, and some of the more junior offices are appointed for a one year term (and men can decline to accept them if they wish). The Chairs involve additional memory work. If you start in the chair, please note that you will likely progress through them in an orderley fashion, year by year, and you would likely one day be running the Lodge as Master for a one year term (if so elected by the Lodge members).

Royal Arch Masonry

Royal Arch Masonry Crest

Once a Mason is a 'Master Mason' he has the option (and it is completely optional) of joining 'Chapter' and taking three additional degrees. If a Master Mason wishes to join Chapter he can get an application by asking his fellow Masons in the Lodge to get him one, a number of whom also belong to Chapter. In Wainwright this Chapter is called Parklands Chapter. Parklands Chapter No. 31 Royal Arch Masons meets in the same room as the Lodge, but on a different night of the month. It operates similar to Lodge, the annual cost of membership dues is about $50 a year (due on 1 Jan), and it confers three degrees:

Parklands Chapter has been in Wainwright since about 1947, which actually makes it a relatively young Chapter! The Royal Arch degree is said by some to have once in the distant past, been a part of the Master Mason's degree. Chapter can be thought of as a natural (yet 'optional') extension of the Lodge, though it is governed by Grand Chapter as opposed to Grand Lodge. That said, Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter have a very close relationship.

The Order of The Eastern Star

Eastern Star Crest

Also, as a Master Mason you may wish to join the Order of Eastern Star (OES). The Wainwright Chapter is called Connaught Chapter No. 8. It meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.m.

The Order of the Eastern Star is a fraternity of women and men dedicated to charity, truth, and loving kindness. Membership is based on a Masonic affiliation or relationship, a belief in God, a desire to acquire additional knowledge and for self-improvement.

Men from all denominations are welcome. It is now the largest fraternal organization in the world to which both men and women can belong. It encircles the world with over 10,000 Chapters in the United States, Canada and 18 other countries. There are now more than 1.2 million members.

The Royal Family & Masonry

In England there has been a long standing relationship between the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and The Royal Family. Nothing express this more obviously than the Grand Master of that Grand Lodge traditionally being a member of the Royal Family.

Their current Grand Master is HRH The Duke of Kent, KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC. His father also served as Grand Master at UGLE.

In Alberta, and most Lodges in Canada, one will note the King's picture hanging on the wall in the Lodge room, as he is the King of Canada.

Prime Ministers & Freemasonry

There have been several Prime Minsters of Canada who were Freemasons. These include: